I left you all with the notice that our good boating buddy, Bruce, would be visiting within the hour, last night. I readied the keg and we prepared to welcome the travelers, who showed up about 1935, right at the beginning of "Jeopardy!"
Drinks were offered and received, and a full story telling of far-away deserts, IED's (I still wonder why the government is so concerned with birth control devices--stay out of my personal life, Government!) and other such activities that are aviation in general and how being separated from friends and family is unpleasant.
We then moved on to boating (which is the real point around here)
Jacksonville had a bad week for weather while the Barco was gallivanting down south. Last Tuesday, there were some severe storms which destroyed a number of sailboats moored at NAS Jax. However, my friend's boat only received some damage due to me chaining the boat to its mooring, instead of using a line and it merely broke a wooden bowsprit vice breaking loose and hitting the runway. Like four or five other unfortunate boats had.
2200 found me grilling the infamous "Bubba Burgers" (Their home base is about three hundred yards from where I sit) feeding our hungry and thirsty travelers. We dug into the burgers and swilled yet more ale, having a proper yarn in the backyard, by the pool. I'm sure the neighbors were not amused, hearing the smoking and joking of loud sailors into the dark of night.
She who will be obeyed was not annoyed one bit! (Very sporting of her, especially on a school night!)
So it started getting late at 2345, we downed our final beers and bid goodnight.
What a Monday.
Back to the story;
Barco Sin Vela was heading past Murphy Island, approaching the Railroad bridge. We continued skirting past Bass Anglers and power boats as we headed for Georgetown Marina. I tried to call the Marina via cell phone and channel 16 VHF. No joy.
Got through Little Lake George and we still had no idea about where we would be staying the night.
Did I mention the winds had picked up to a very gusty westerly, 15 to 20 knots? Double plus ungood. And it was the day before Easter.
We arrive at Georgetown Marina, no one was at work. Tried to make approach to the fuel dock, tried about four or five times, always missing and winding up in an uncontrolled twist to starboard.
Frustrating. See, I could get the boat to the dock, but I couldn't run down to do the big stretch to pass a line around a piling to secure us.
I got so rattled that I gave poor instruction on the length of the "spring line", making it shorter than it should.
A boat owner felt pity on us and came over to lend a hand. He then made sure I knew that our spring line was indeed, short. We muscled the boat into a safe position and I shut the engines down.
Buffoonery; My driving did not show anyone that I had any boating experience.
At least there was no damage, other than to my ego. The previous is an example of why I do like to bring along guests, if only to make me look better docking, using the extra hands to hold and bend lines on.
Naturally, while looking stupid, I was unable to operate the camera to show evidence of my bad driving. Therefore, it never happened. Right?
Here's my sign! (And a nice sunset after we were able to relax)
The Owner of the Marina stopped by asking if we were doing ok, he had heard our message and had assigned us the spot we were parked in. He asked if his dock guy helped us in. We laughed and said it was the boat owner next to us who helped and that we had not seen his hired man.
Oh well. Very nice people and they did make our stay a pleasant one.
We turned in early, in anticipation of some great weather and a good crossing of Lake George.
This is our view early Easter Morning.
I hope you clicked on the Wiki page about Lake George. What a great place to be on an Easter Morning.
We refueled the Barco, expecting to put about 120 gallons in the port tank and 80 gallons in the starboard.
The port kept taking fuel until we hit 155 gallons! I had a quick talk with the dock hand, he presumed I had mistaken my estimates. I took a quick look at the sight glass, it showed "full", but it was still taking fuel!
We changed tanks and I waited to see what it would take. Started the fueling and I went next door to look at the house boat that just pulled in.
(I started thinking that I was full of mistakes over the past couple days... bad boat handling, can't seem to add fuel values... a real bad time for me, and I had better straighten up and fly right!)
I took a quick tour of the houseboat, since the fuel was flowing very slowly, plenty of time.
The house boat was about 55 feet long, had a single 90 hp four cycle outboard. There were four bedrooms, two baths and a full sized kitchen. There was a household air conditioning unit and home barbecue. Room for the whole family, for only 1500 bucks a week! (I left the web address in the logbook back on the boat and I will add it in later.) No experience necessary to rent and drive this boat.
There was even a slide from the upper deck to the water. Too Cool!
Meanwhile, back at the Barco, refueling had ceased, since the starboard tank was full.
I walk slowly back to the Barco and see that the pumps had stopped at 35 gallons.
Turns out that the fuel automatically transferred from the port tank to the starboard when it was full. My estimates were spot on!
(Saved again!)
All I need to do is get underway without any foul ups, and take her straight down the path of righteousness, in between the navigational markers of of peace, justice, the American Way. Oh, and don't hit anything on Lake George. Like the Osprey Nest on the Line Up Marker that welcomes you into Lake George
We were alone in the Lake, enjoying a nice putt in the channel heading for the Volusia Bank (A shallow section which was famous for steam ship wrecks back in the day)
Approaching Volusia Bank
Stay Tuned, for more Rock and Roll Radio...
I was unable to operate the camera to show evidence of my bad driving. Therefore, it never happened. Right?This is sorta what Lex sez... except I think he says something like "It's MY story" or words to that effect. And yeah... it's YOUR blog, so you're the sole arbiter of truth.
Nice... no, GREAT... pics. What a great vacation!
Blogger is REALLY tee'ing me off. I previewed this and the sapcing was perfect. I hit "post" and the spacing is hosed.
The typos, however, are ALL me.
Thanks, Buck, for even mentioning me in the same breath as the "Lex".
It just seems that I was able to take pictures of every sing thing but the times when I was trying to stay off of other boats/docks/objects/ground.
Single not Sing.
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