Tuesday, June 5, 2012


0630 was my appointment time today, at St Vincent's hospital for another endoscopy and a search for what ails the innards. Result? Totally clean bill of health! It's as if nothing was there, so now I can carry on with the mission without renewing my prescription of purple pills. A great relief.

A big lesson is to ease back on too much of anything. Food, beer, wine, etc. I will take this as a big wake up call to maintaining health. So now I have another chance to mess up! Not.

There was a phone call earlier, and I was asked by my friend Bob to come by and help get an airplane back in the air on Monday morning. There will be about four other folks and maybe a couple Navy Jax Sailors helping to get that TBM-3 Avenger turned up and ready to fly. Of course, I am glad to help! We will have to pull the propellor around a number of times to get oil pumped into the jugs (cylinders) of the Radial Engine and maybe top up the fluid levels. I have never been this close to a Warbird, so there will be pictures and a description. After we perform the Turn-Around checks, the Avenger will fly to New Smyrna Airport for it's two year stay at a Museum.

I told you things were going to improve.

Have a nice evening1


Buck said...

Good news on the clean bill o' health and fun news where the warbird is concerned! I've been up close and personal with a few warbirds but never had the opportunity to actually work on one.

I shoulda mentioned this yesterday: I like the new look on the blog.

Ken n Cheryl said...

Glad to hear that you have a clean bill of health! We're thankful every day for ours.

Barco Sin Vela II said...

Thanks again, KnC and Buck!

As for the new look, I'm trying to figure out the new blogger system. Light blue is more sunshiny, I think.