The Barco Sin Vela was called out for a mission, yesterday. The plan was to get us underway after 1600, with a planned return for dinner at 1830.
I arrived onboard at 1000, the job being to ready the boat by cleaning it, inside and out. The galley was organized and everything was wiped down, I got into the forward berth and really took it apart; Oiled the wood, put tools away, made the bed with clean bedding and attacked the head. As I was enjoying a cold PBR before getting to the rest of the job there was a phone call informing me that the times were moved up. "We'll be there in 45 minutes".
Oh. (!)
I stepped up the pace and squared the rest of the interior away and wiped the exterior down fast. My next duty was to get ice into the two coolers and I leapt ashore to gather ice by the tennis courts. As I was walking down the dock the Spousal Unit caught me. I was quizzed about the readiness and she was satisfied with my progress.
Returning to the boat with the ice, I met up with our three passengers in the parking lot and I directed them to the Barco. As we climbed aboard the big rain (Every afternoon, about 2:30!) hit, so I was able to get a delay which enabled the wrapping up of a couple of details. (Platter of Hors d'oeuvres, chill drinks, etc.)
Everyone snacked on shrimp, cheese and sammidges, while we waited for the skies to lighten. About thirty minutes later we were underway for downtown.
After making the football stadium we turned about for home and the weather was perfect for our South Florida guests. It was like the air conditioning was on for us in the river and it was a wonderful trip down to NAS JAX and back to the club. Once at the club we secured the boat and met inside for a fine dinner.
My kind of day!
T-minus seven days until the big test at Panama City! Have a nice day.
I like yer kinda day.
And there were three wimmins onboard!
Better YET! ;-)
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