The weekend was a bit somber, but gray skies bring hope that tomorrow will indeed be sunny, and perhaps a bit warmer... Hmmm?
My good buddy from Hayward, Phil, paid me a great compliment concerning this blog. He says the one thing he has gleaned from my endless ego-powered screed is that one should carry spare pumps on his sailboat.
That, and he allowed me to drink almost his whole supply of ice cold Yuengling's.
I almost felt a validation. Yessirree! But carry three pumps one should. They aren't expensive and they remove water from a boat, which is a very good thing.
Sunday's highlight was helping a boat dock at NAS Jax marina. The crew was a German Shepherd, the skipper Mike and the aforementioned Phil. I shall include a photo of the boat. It is a 50 foot ketch, made in Formosa and looks very "Piratey", sayeth Phil. Phil thinks that we should acquire such a "Piratey" vessel and sail forth doing piratey things; Like drinking beer on foreign shores and wenching.
Mike's Dog docking;
What other reasons are there, indeed?
This would require our crew to include the great Elmer, our other retired Navy buddy. Elmer or more properly pronounced "El- Mare"; Of the Sea, is a must have at any party, sailboat or other conveyance of convenience. Elmer is a master mechanic and gadget fixer of the first rank. Elmer, practically alone, floated Barco One when it had the misfortune of settling into the mud, two years ago. (That is another tale for another time, Dear Reader) More importantly, Chicks dig Elmer. The photo's of all the lovelies he has on facebook has confirmed that he is a true and living "Chick Magnet". I would link his facebook, but it wouldn't be proper. Soooo, us three amigo's would be a complete Piratey crew for a Formosa 50, sailing from port to port in search of fine potent potables and attractive wenches to accompany us.
Elmer don't do ugly.
Of course, I would need permission from She Who Will Be Obeyed. So maybe not so much of the Wenching for Moi. I'll navigate and sail, instead.
I mentioned this fantasy while we dined on grilled pork tenderloin, last night. Phil was with us and he got to see the mirth on Spousal Unit's face when I asked if I could go sailing with the boys.
"Not". Is the answer I received. Phil laughed at me as I tried to keep a brave face.
"Next year, we meet again in Port Royal!" I said.
So much for Pirating, anytime soon.
...doing piratey things; Like drinking beer on foreign shores and wenching.
Hey! Can I come along? All y'all would need at least ONE Zoomie aboard for comic relief... and I do ugly, mainly coz they are just SO grateful. Like I said: comic relief. Think about it. My schedule is open.
Hey! Can I come along? All y'all would need at least ONE Zoomie aboard for comic relief...
Sure, why not? Buck can be the designated driver/cigar procurer. No one will be able to tell that you are a "zoomie".
"Designated driver." Heh. THAT would be a first.
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