I despise varnishing teak. It's a waste of time and I can never seem to get it looking as good as when someone else does the work. Inevitably, there are gouges and the wood looks like it was used as a cutting board instead of fine pieces of art.
The less, never. I sanded and smoothed and got one coat of varnish on, it was too late for another. Sunday should be nice so I will put on two coats which would mean that next weekend I will finish up with another two coats. Maybe start on the rails.
We packed a cooler and left the camera and made the walk to the river where the old boats were coming in. There was a 1938 Chris Craft, a couple of Gar-Wood's and a Huckins', or two. Since I only had my phone camera, I made do and got a few shots.
I really like the Huckins' "Fairform Flyers", and wish we could afford one... I don't think they ever made an ugly one. Frank Huckins was a memorable member of our Yacht Club way before my time, but his Yacht Manufacturing business is still making them the old fashioned way, one boat at a time. They were involved in the PT boat business in a limited way during WWII.
Here is a satellite view of their Ortega River Facility;
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Sunday was going to be nice, I could bring the camera ad get some proper shots after a coat of varnish, right?
So I missed out on getting the Huckin's photo's and some others. Cygnus was on another dock and I just couldn't seem to make the hundred yard walk.
We walked out to the outside docks and ran into some club friends and wound up being trapped into enjoying the afternoon with drinks.
I hate when that happens.
Afterwards, we piled into the clubhouse and enjoyed a dinner for fifteen. I got the opportunity to make a new acquaintance with a gent who had recently retired as a NASCAR Official. So I got to hear all the stories from a thirty year career of trying to catch cheaters.
Sunday was rainy, so all we could do is gather our gear and go home. Mom came by for a wonderful dish of lasagna that the Spousal Unit put together. Very interesting version of that cheesy treat, she placed layers of fresh spinach in with the ricotta and mozzarella cheeses. No wonder I am expanding like an inflated liferaft!
That Huckins "36-36" is a sweet looking piece of work; I can see why you'd want one. Hell, *I* would want one if money were no object... and I probably need a boat like a fish needs a bicycle.
My Dad claimed to have worked for Gar-Wood in the late 1930s before he went into the Army Air Corps. The Ol' Man always owned some sort of boat after he retired from the AF and a Gar-Wood was still his dream when he died.
Nice post, Darryl.
"...The Ol' Man always owned some sort of boat after he retired..."
Thanks, Buck. I think boats are very family friendly and add to the fun.
Next Friday, the Barco makes another Crab Shack run. We need to get some additional crew on board to flog...
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