Newport 30 Mk II showed up on our step, homeless, lonely and free.
We race on Saturday in the 66th Annual Mug Race with Wildeeest 2.5. Wildebeest 2.5 is named thusly from recommendations from our boss in London, Captain Kirk. He said that it wasn't right to use Wildebeest 4 for a vessel that was smaller than the one we cruised the Atlantic with, all those years ago... So Wildebeest 2.5 it is.
I'm excited. Our Crew is excited... The aforementioned crew was a Class Mate of Lex LaFon, back in 1982 at Canoe U. Buck would be pleased to know this. I wish Buck were here to be pleased.
It is a small world.
Sailing returns to Barco Landing, let's stay tuned to see what happens, 20 years later!
Wildebeest OUT!

GOD!Its been a while! The days may drag but the weeks, months and years just fly by! Unfortunately I contracted Parkinsons Disease a few years back (100% VA Disabled) and have been busy slaying my own personal Dragons on that front. Thank God my loving wife is an RN w. 40+ yrs of experience to take care of me. Needless to say I'm pretty much a sedentary fossil compared to my previous life-style, extensive physical therapy or no. Still I'm physically strong and alive@75, but the legs don't work as usual and for someone who was physically active THATS been a killer.
Guess I'll just have to live vicariously thru types like you guys. :) I still follow a couple of blogs where refugees from Neptunus Lex and Bucks place hang out, but of course it's not the same..
Sounds like y'all are living the grand life. As Mae West once famously said: "Too much of a good thing is wonderful!" :)
So nice to hear back, missed you since we last communicated, I have seen you over at CDR Sal's place a few times.
Stay in touch, we still have lots to do and plenty of time to enjoy life to the limits.
My email is m a o g wai cat AT g mail dot c o m
Send a note!
DC (Barco Sin Vela Actual)
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