Friday, October 1, 2010


The fun was over and time to make tracks for Niue, a tiny rock of an island with no natural harbor. About as remote an island you can find, there is little for sale in the markets. The island has supplies shipped in about every two weeks and enjoys one plane a week bringing tourists from New Zealand.

I think there may be 1200 residents and everyone seems pretty happy on their little bit of paradise.

Niue is more known for their internet hosting (.NU) and little else.

We met up with Callisto, yet again. It was fun being able to enjoy evenings of wine and dining on Curries in the small restaurant up the road.

Speaking of road, there is one main road that orbits the island which takes you to all the villages and any sites that you might want to visit. Callisto rented a small van to haul all five of us around, one Saturday. It was a great way to see to caves and rocky shoreline.

Next time, I will wear proper hiking boots. The boat shoes I wore were inadequate for dealing with the sharp limestone and coral that make up the ground at the shore. My feets be bruised!

One very notable must see place on our trip was the Limu Pools. They are two natural pools that were caves that are swimmable, with the unique attraction of deep saline water with a fresh water surface.

Oh, and the price of admission is walking to the pools! Niue is proud to show any tourists any part of the island at no charge.

Niue Rocks!

Back underway to Niue

Coming around the corner, it was rough!

As we approached the mooring are the weather cleared

The Niue Yacht Club provides 15 mooring balls

This is the dinghy landing. All dinghy's are hauled out.

When the small supply ship comes in at high tide, they tie to the key.

A small cafe that acts as Yacht Club. They have decent internet access and a nice brekky.

The main street to the police office.

Gubmint House


Typical Yacht Club Scene

Onboard Callisto for Sunset G&T's

Typical Shoreline view

We stopped for ice cream

I have no idea

Bar was closed, but you can tell it is a hoppin' place for backpackers.

No, I did not write that.

Coolest ride on Niue!

Nothing is wasted on Niue

Path to shore

We stopped for refreshment; Coconut Water!

Interesting Sandstone


Walking down

View up

Some fishing detritus

The entire island is a cemetary, you find graves everywhere. Apparently they care for the graves until no one remembers. 

Limu Pools. I recommend a visit!

Panoramic view


Caves are all over the island due to carved sandstone

We stopped by the one resort for a few beers

Five bucks a shot through the trees. If you get the Par One you win 500 bucks!

The hole

Our Hosts; Callisto

I am "drinker of Speight's"

Dropping dinghy in water

Sunset G&T's onboard Callisto, an Amel 54 Sailboat.
A fine week. I recommend Niue for anyone's bucket list!


Freely Living Life said...

Fabulous post!!! Although I love the RV lifestyle we live....boat life is certainly on our mind as a future journey. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!! =0)


Ken n Cheryl said...

I see why your feet are sore! Love the caves.

Barco Sin Vela II said...

FLF: RV's may come in the future, but today we boat. We equate our trawler, 'Barco Sin Vela' as sort of an RV.

Ken n Cheryl; Thanks for coming by. I'm hoping to infect both of you with the 'getouttahere' virus!

LL said...

Is Niue part of New Zealand?

Barco Sin Vela II said...

LL; Niue is technically it's own country but it is closely associated with NZ. Not that I know everything, but I think Niue is like an Indian Reservation, autonomous but not completely.

Buck said...

Once again, little to say expect thanks and Oh, the envy!

Well, there's more. Those glass ball fishnet floats at the backpackers' bar? I used to have a WORLD Class collection of 'em as the Nihonjin were still manufacturing and using them when I first went to Japan in '68. We Gee-Eyes used to scrounge them by the pickup truck bed full on the deserted beaches of Northern Hokkaido. I imagine those things are worth a pretty penny today. I only have three of my original collection left and none are the large ones as in your pic.

Nice Dead tee shirt, too! ;-)

Buck said...

Dyslexia R Us. expect = except.

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