At last, we have closed the book on acquiring a new enclosure and cover for our bridge. We had been talking about doing this since we bought the boat in 2008, we just couldn't bring ourselves to plop down the big bucks necessary to make the project happen. $8K is quite a bundle, but the sail makers added in cushions, covers and made the drive from St Augustine to Jacksonville a number of times to complete the mission. Background; We made the project available to local sail makers and had offers of $500 less, but they never included a completely new frame and design. Fuggeddahbout the seat cushions! The other offers wanted to just replicate the cloth and plastic enclosure as it was, which was not going to happen. The previous design was unsat from the beginning and if we are going to pay for a project we expect serious quality.
The plastic enclosure is so clear as to be invisible. |
I think we will celebrate with dinner and a night on the Barco!
Now we have to figure out how to pay for all this. (Joking! We saved for this eventuality, it's been four years.) We put the bill on a credit card that has triple bonus points on each dollar spent for purchases over $250. Heh. They won't get enough interest payments to make it worthwhile for the card company. Gimme the points, baby!
Protected from the weather seating area
with comfy dry new cushions? Luxury! Slowly, we shall make our way to embarking on that cruise around America's Great Loop and the Barco will be ready for this trip in every way.
Have a great weekend!
She looks great! Definitely need to celebrate with dinner aboard tonight!
K&C; Thanks, for stopping by!
We did dinner last night at the club/boat. Ran into some friends and it was a late evening. The Spousal Unit is quite pleased with her flybridge enclosure!
Looks pretty danged spiffy! I assume the plastic sheds rain drops if/when you're caught in heavy weather?
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