Brings back a memory of a time in Brighton, England. We spent a weekend at a bed and breakfast (I don't really care for those places, but whatever) near the famous pier and had a grand evening.
The next morning we were hiking around and noticed the "Queens Head" pub and thought we might go in.

Some dude with a mustache, smoking a cigar and wearing a white frock greeted us at the door.
Too much, too early! Not ready for Freddy...
Grand times, indeed.
Today, I had to spend the morning at Nas Jax, helping movers bring a sailboat mast back to the Barco Manor. $250.00 bucks later, it is safe in the back yard.
I wonder if this is a omen of future occurrences?
The chase vehicle photo of the mast stowed in the moving truck, passing through the NAS Jacksonville main gate.

I gave the nice movers a 20 dollar tip. So Phil will owe me $270.00. Your mast is now a hostage.
The nice reader might ask about the stair machine, and whether I have forgotten all about the tonnage reduction plan?
Most exercise machines are merely road blocks that keep bumping ourselves as we head to the fridge for a fudgesicle. But not at the Serengetti Spa and Veldt Lounge!
Over the past two weeks I have lost a half inch off the waist and about four pounds. I exercise about twice a day on average, not including the morning walk.
So there.
Have a fine tuesday.
I hope your Tuesday is wonderful as well.
I agree with you, Charlie Crist sucks. Anyone but him for senate. I am researching Marco Rubio.
Looks like the tropics may be heating up too.
Over the past two weeks I have lost a half inch off the waist and about four pounds. I exercise about twice a day on average, not including the morning walk.
Well... GOOD On Ya!! I'm still trying to put it on, with much less success. We shall persevere...
re: The Queens Head... LOL! Yep, too much. :D
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