Photo; US Navy and Florida Times Union
This happens.
These dudes went fishing and found themselves floating for four days on their overturned boat. A Trident Submarine (HUGE MO' FO" vessels, trust me) surfaces and rescues the unlucky anglers.
The Commanding Officer was quoted;
"There is only one choice when it comes to rendering assistance to vessels in distress," said Mooney in a statement provided by the Navy.
"I am glad that we were in the right place at the right time to help these fellow mariners. I couldn't be more proud of the professionalism and performance by my crew."
"There is only one choice when it comes to rendering assistance to vessels in distress," said Mooney in a statement provided by the Navy.
"I am glad that we were in the right place at the right time to help these fellow mariners. I couldn't be more proud of the professionalism and performance by my crew."
Click on the link below the photo for the print version of the story.
Really nice ending for all involved.
My first thought... before I read the linked article... was "those guys probably sh!t themselves when the Rhode Island surfaced." Coz like the article said, Boomers are rarely are on the surface... transit in and out of port on the top and the rest of the patrol under water. (SN2 learned me well.) Those guys were VERY lucky.
Lucky or truly blessed, is what those fishermen were. Way to go Navy!
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