There has been much busy-ness around these parts, a trip and return from South Carolina, work being crazy and finally; The Weather.
I am glad we have a couple of boats, because an Ark will be necessary if we intend to stay dry.
Another issue I have is the inability to get pictures uploaded from our Mac.
This is one of many from the Graduation.
Here is a nice view of downtown in the early evening.

Young Steve driving the Barco towards downtown. It was nice to let him drive, I was able to catch a little nap.

We dragged Steve to Singleton's Seafood Shack in Mayport. It seems that all Michiganders prefer Singleton's to any other purveyor of Fish. There was a great dining and then I sent some phone pictures to Steve's family for the "Bragging Rights".

Then, it was off to Jacksonville Beach. We brought a boogie board for Steve so he could try his luck in the little surf.
These are some of the local talent cruising up and down the beach, pretending to not be looking at the pretending not to notice Lad's.

We dropped Steve at the Amtrak station for his return to Fort Jackson, Tuesday evening. Steve was a genuine pleasure to have around! Never complained, laughed at my bad jokes and enjoyed all the food and entertainment we dug up.
Let's see; Dinner on Friday evening, Filet Mignon and veggies. Satellite tv and watching a shuttle launch on the front lawn.
Saturday was a day on the Barco Sin Vela, with Steve doing most of the driving. Saturday evening was dining at the Yacht Club which finished up with sitting under the stars in Pirates Cove.
Sunday was Singletons and the Beach. Afterwards, we dropped by my Mom's for dinner and funny film.
Steve can come back anytime. Next time though, I will have to show him how to use varnish.
God breast....I mean, "bless" our troops!!!
re: the hotties. You're a Dirty Old man, Darryl. A quality I greatly admire. Thanks for the eye-candy.
Now... lessee... I was gonna say something else. Oh, yeah! Stone crabs. Do any make their way up to you or are they all intercepted down Miami way? Stone crabs have to be THE most succulent sea-critters, evah. I'd commit all sorts of felonies to have a plate of 'em right this minute.
Good on ya for treatin' PFC Steve so right. You're a good man, albeit a Dirty one.
Hey Buck and Gene, thanks for the nice comments. As for Stone Crabs, I think you can get them at "Joe's Seafood". But really, stone crab claw (I mean singular) mainly get stuck in South Florida, those Miami and Lauderdale folks don't let too much of the small harvest go too far North.
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