I disappointed Mom yet again (I do this to her all the time), she read that I was going to come by and hang blinds. I should have gone, I would have been in air conditioning.
But the Bateau is ready for the mission today; Find the ingredients to the Perfect Mai Tai using a treasure map and following cryptic instructions. I guess you win a hangover.
Spousal Unit and I enjoyed the Friday steak with a wonderful Cotes du Rhone followed by a nice champagne. We started gossiping about this one feller at the Yacht Club who thinks that people want to know him. This person used to be some sort of sales executive for a publishing house in NYC, so when you get cornered he will bring the subject to books and authors.
Actually, I do like books and authors, so it was sort of fascinating to chat with this guy at first. The real fun is watching him flit back and forth tackling the club glitterati; I watched this guy jump up midway through dinner, run to the door way to grip and grin with some cat named Ed Austin. (I think Ed is a former Mayor or something like that)
He actually ran over grabbed this cat's hand and pumped and pumped and would not let go. There was the trapped animal look in the victims eye!
All the while, our subject is tossing the victims salad, kissing ass, and all that.
This retelling of the tale last night , kept us in stitches for at least a half hour. Especially because we knew that the subject was probably at that very moment at the Yacht Club bar performing his act.
This reminds me of a recent run in with a former mayor; Tommy Hazouri was mayor of Jacksonville back in the early 90's. I was aware of him from his regular tv appearances and the fact that he had a unique hair style.

Me and the Spouse are sitting in Moon River Pizza, and Tommy walks in. He locks eyes on me and I just involuntarily growled, "Tahhmmmyyy..." Like I knew this cat, personally.
When in doubt, take the offensive!
So Former Mayor Tommy, politician he is, runs right over to us, grabs my hand and makes like he has been my buddy for years, like we talked just last week.
"How's the pizza guys?" "Great to see you, ya look good... what should I order..."
I about fell over laughing, remembering our buddy from the yacht club.
///Break Break///
There is a great search for more pictures from Calais, I promise you (My Mom believes my promises, honest) that we will return for the dinner party and the bacchanalia that followed.
Today there will be some boating.
1 comment:
My life is completely devoid of politicians, amateur or professional. I thank the deity at hand for this, occasionally.
Good luck on the Mai Tai hunt!
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