The dinner was a hit, and we closed dinner with dessert of cheese and Port. After this, we idiotically went in to the piano bar and sang waaaay off tune and in my case, waaay off lyrics with our piano playing host, Roger.
I always enjoy adding in my own lyrics, which can have references to Siamese Cats.
Silly that way, I am!
Perhaps I just don't have enough reverence for the printed words, especially after Port.
Saturday began about two hours after it usually does, but we felt much better for the extra forty winks. General clean up and traveling to the local sized hardware store for material to create a sun shade.
We used clamps to hang an opaque cotton screen, which served to drop the temp about ten degrees in the harsh afternoon sun. Spousal Unit suggested I get a grommet tool and use grommets, next time.
I hate it when she is right and clever.
But I can make cheezburgers.
We had a very sedate evening on Barco and called it a night about 2100.
Naturally, my snooze was disturbed at 0430, while I was thinking about the repairs that the generator would need. About then the heads began to malfunction, and would not turn off after being engaged. These are vacuum flushed heads and the pump will run about a minute to ready the system for the next go-round. Only the pump would not shut off. Not until I used the Direct Current breaker panel to secure the pump, that is. That's when I discovered the holding tank was mega full.
Yuck. At 0430.
Since nothing else was to be accomplished, I went back to bed and slept until 0730.
I passed on the useful info to not use the head, so we had to walk up to the Tennis Club to use their facilities. Just like when we lived in London!
After we got back we started the coffee and prepared to depart for Lamb's Marine. There we would get a fill up and pump out the holding tank. This would make it so our maintenance person would not get a unhealthy surprise when he removed the vacuum pump.
This is the Ortega River Bridge. It is a nice little bridge, it opens at least 40 times a day. That is probably how you would see the bridge, if you were trying to get home by car.

Back to the pump out, and the reasons why...
It really is tough to find good mechanical help and one does not want to give them a high pressure anointing, care of the holding tank.
Guess Who? Had to hold the special holding tank attachment firmly onto the deck access hole, while waiting for the vacuum pressure to build and void the tank. I was there for at least ten minutes before I heard a "thunk" sound of the tank letting go of it's frothy badness.
Next time, I will offer the guy a tenner, if he will do the honors. No mess, just unpleasant thoughts.
After that little bit of fun, I went over and filled both starboard and port tanks. We took on 175 gallons, which is how much we have burned over the last couple of weeks going up and down Florida's best waterways. The total cost was $345.00. Not bad, considering this was the cost of some great times and memories.
We departed Lamb's Marine and made way to the Ortega Bridge, requested and received an opening which led us back to the St Johns River. This is the view of downtown:

I left the large images so that you can see the heat moving in. It was about 90 degrees and we were only getting to noon.
A decision was made to see what was going on at the Naval Air Station. No one was at Navy Jax Yacht Club, so we came in for a low pass. First thing we could see was the alleged Rock Hudson boat leaning in the sling, after being salvaged from a spot on the "F" dock, where she sank a month ago.

The Seabees will be making repairs to the Navy marina, we are all looking forward to a comfortable and safe marina to visit. I know I can't wait, I'm even looking to purchase a little runabout motorboat just to run back and forth from Pirate's Cove to the NAS Yacht Club.
Pending final repairs this week, we will be looking to return to Silver Glen Springs for the Memorial Day trip. Apparently, it gets like Mardi Gras, what with a couple of hundred boats and the accompanying warm weather.
Hmmm. But only if we can have airconditioning.
Have to agree about A/C!
My greatest "fear" about rving had to do with holding tanks...turned out to be not all that bad, but then I don't have to drain "up"...
I have a request...Would you consider a more detailed account of drink consumed and possibly food pairing? Am asking as I know little of port or champagne and am interested in trying a bit more of both - more the port and cheese than the champagne, but do not want to limit myself...
Ok, Ann;
The foods consumed were Filet Mignon, and two New York Strips, all cooked medium rare. The wine pairing was an inexpensive Chateau Ste Michel Cabernet (31 bucks in the restaurant, prolly 11 bucks at your local liquor store). Dessert was brie, smoked cheddar and a blue chevre (goat cheese) with mozzarella de bufalo, served with a Aged 10 Years bottle of Grahams Tawny Port.
I had not really given the kitchen a good heads up on the cheese platter, which was ok, since it was comped. A recommended Port and cheese dessert would be a nice runny brie, a Stilton and maybe some dark chocolate pieces. Any quality port (From Portugal!) will be nice, but a Tawny has nice light flavors that really go well with the above. Ruby Ports are more spicy and robust.
By the way, a bottle of Sandeman Ruby or Tawny are readily available for about 11 bucks a bottle. Be careful on Port, it is a fortified wine which means it is 20% vice the normal 12%. A bottle shared by two can mean a quality hangover. Better to share with three or four.
As for Champagne's, only those bubbly's that come from the Champagne region of France can call themselves "Champagne". Mumm's is my favorite because it is priced about 35 bucks. Piper Heidsieck is another great reasonably priced champagne. But for every day use, I recommend "Piper Sonoma". All the taste and a price of about 11 bucks. Sweet desserts go with champagne, also some cheeses.
I prefer reds to go with red meat, although you can pair any wine with any food. Whites go with anything.
As many will say, "Your Mileage May Vary!"
All wines go with good friends.
Thank you!!
I'm comfortable with Reds and Whites and what I like with dinner but have not tried the Port-cheese-chocolate desert thing and had no idea where to start.
I've never been a huge champagne fan, but I have enjoyed one of the Piper's - I think the Heidsieck rings a bell - guess I will need to those you mentioned :)
Thank you so much for taking the time with the above!
Well, Ann stole my thunder about tank-draining. Except for the time my hose-clamp came undone while draining the black water tank. You REALLY don't want to experience that, believe me. I check that damned clamp each and every time I drain my tanks now.
I wanna add my thanks on the cheese/port thing, too. Useful info, that!
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